Alpha Probiotics Review


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Alpha Probiotics

Key Benefits

  • The Most Precise & Strongest CFUs You Can Get: With 9.4 billion spore-forming cultures give your digestive tract the support it needs to keep you healthy and energetic without CFU Overdose.
  • 3rd-Party Verification: rigorous testing process ensures you get all the support you need, with few dead cultures, a 100% Survival rate, and no fillers.
  • Easy to Take: some probiotics can require you to take their pills at specific times during the day, but this supplement is easy to add to your routine, giving you the benefits without any hassle.


  • Limited Availability: manufacturer has had issues keeping up with demand in the past.
  • Only Available Online: while the website is 100% secure and more convenient for most people, certain people are sometimes hesitant about buying online.


Many people ignore their digestive tract until something goes wrong. This is unfortunate, as your gut is one of the most vital areas in your body for sustaining health, and as such, deserves regular maintenance. This is where Alpha Probiotics aims to come in, keeping your intestines in peak condition at all times so that you can enjoy a more active, healthier life.

The product comes in a sleek blue box and bottle, and one of the big advantages it has right off the bat is that it doesn't need to be refrigerated. This is due to its state-of-the-art freezing process, keeping the organisms stable and alive until you're ready to take them.

Not having to refrigerate the bottle makes it much more convenient to take with you while traveling, so you can keep your insides functioning no matter where you go. It's also nice to not feel like you wasted an entire bottle just because you forgot to put it back in the fridge after taking it.

The capsules themselves are small and easily taken, unlike some of the horse pills on the market. This makes them a great option for children, or anyone who has difficulty swallowing pills.

Aditionally, they can be taken at any time, with food or without (though the manufacturer recommends taking one with breakfast). This is a welcome break from some probiotics that are only effective under very specific conditions. You won't have to re-arrange your life to take Alpha Probiotics, which makes it more likely you'll stick with it longer and see better results.

The pills contain 9.4 billion colony-forming units (CFUs), which are the beneficial bacteria that fight off infection and restore balance. This is a precise and intelligent amount of CFUs, acting as a considerable reinforcement to the good bacteria already fighting for your health in your intestines, without overloading which has been proven to cause more digestive problems. Additionally, there are five strains in Alpha Probiotics, which ensures that you get balanced protection.

You should see results pretty quickly with Alpha Probiotics, whether it's restoring regularity, boosting energy, or dropping pounds. Unlike some other probiotics, you likely won't have to question whether Alpha Probiotics is working.


Because Alpha Probiotics has been thoroughly tested by 3rd-party investigators, you can trust that you're getting all the CFUs promised, with no harmful fillers. The capsules are also vegetarian, and lactose- and gluten-free.

Also, while we didn't see any side effects with the pills, their website does mention that some people experience gas and bloating when starting with Alpha Probiotics. If this happens to you, simply reduce the dosage, taking Alpha Probiotics every other day, until your body adjusts.


One bottle of Alpha Probiotics retails for $39.99, making it one of the best values on the market. However, the manufacturer is currently running a special where you can get 3 bottles for $79, or if you want to buy a five months supply you can get them all for $119. That's less than a dollar a day for one of the most powerful probiotics out there.


Nourishing your digestive tract is one of the most important health decisions you can make, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a product that works better than Alpha Probiotics. Its billions of high quality, CFUs rejuvenate your intestines, with a calcified protein shell to ensure you feel better fast.

How Does Alpha Probiotics Compare?

Special For Our Readers

Right now, TruMD is offering our readers a great introductory rate. If you haven’t yet tried this product, this is really exciting because you can save up to 17%, depending on which option you choose. This is a limited time offer and can only be given from this page. (Limit 1 Pack per customer - please only order one of the 1, 3 or 6 pack from this page.)

User Reviews:

Excellent product. I started 2 weeks ago and i feel much better. I am gluten intolerant and have been eliminating gluten from my diet but stomach was feeling bloated and heavy still. Symptoms are going away slowly but surely. I am very pleased with my purchase!
(Review Found on -Anavel


Great product !!! I have tried many over the counter probiotics and not one of them worked as good as Alpha Probiotics. My Doctor asked me to try a probiotic thinking it would help with the chronic sinus infections I get and also hoping it would help with my duodenal ulcer. So far I have cut my ulcer medicine in half, and the verdict is still out with the sinus infections as its still to early to tell, I have only been on Alpha Probiotics for a few weeks. But I am sold on this product and feel so much better. It has also taken that heavy bloated feeling you get after eating your meals. I won't be without this product ever again.
(Review Found on -Bethany


I did some research on probiotics and compared them to Alpha Probiotics, out of all that I researched from even those bought in our local stores to the internet this one was the only one that contained all the good probiotics needed, I have only been taking it for a week now but can tell a difference already , I am well pleased with this product and the price is great for what all you get, also they ship really fast, I will most definitely be a returning customer.
(Review Found on -Teresa Poe


Special For Our Readers

Right now, Molecular Body Research is offering our readers a great introductory rate.

If you haven’t yet tried this product, this is really exciting because you can save up to 17%, depending on which option you choose.

This is a limited time offer and can only be given from this page.

(Limit 1 Pack per customer - please only order one of the 1, 3 or 6 pack from this page.)



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Molecular Body Research has one of the strongest guarantees in the industry and they stand behind it. If you don't experience the results described, Molecular Body Research demands you return the product for a full refund.

Our thoughts? We tested Molecular Body Research guarantee and had no problems getting a full refund once the product was returned.


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Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of the product reviewed herein have not been scientifically substantiated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. An emerging body of third party evidence suggests that some may experience positive results, but results do vary by participant. It is recommended that you consult your physician for a more thorough evaluation. Under no circumstances is there a guarantee that with the use of said product, will result in any change whatsoever. Please click here to review our "Money Back Guarantee" Policy.

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